Terms and Conditions
1. The provisions in these General Terms & Conditions apply on any legal relationship between Dammers Hock Advocaten and the client. The lawyers of Dammers Hock Advocaten are affiliated to the Netherlands Bar Association (2596 XM) in The Hague at Neuhuyskade 94.
2. All assignments are considered to have been exclusively given to and accepted and performed by Dammers Hock Advocaten, even if it is the client’s express or implied intention that an instruction be carried out by a specific person. The applicability of sections 7:404, 7:407 subsection 2 and 409 of the Dutch Civil Code is excluded. Dammers Hock Advocaten is exempt from the obligation to have a third-party account and cannot receive third-party funds.
3. Any liability of Dammers Hock Advocaten for damages in connection with the performance of an assignment shall be limited to the amount paid out in that specific case that falls under the professional liability insurance, increased by the amount of the applicable deductible (eigen risico) which must be borne by Dammers Hock Advocaten pursuant to the applicable. The professional liability insurance has been taken out at AON insurance in (1100 AG) Amsterdam (PO Box 12250).
4. If no amount is paid out under the above mentioned insurance, any liability of Dammers Hock Advocaten shall be limited to the fees that the client has paid to Dammers Hock Advocaten for the services in relation to which the damages occurred.
5. Dammers Hock Advocaten shall exercise due care when engaging third parties in the performance of an assignment. Dammers Hock Advocaten cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from a third party’s failure to perform its obligations properly. Any instruction to Dammers Hock Advocaten includes the authorization of Dammers Hock Advocaten to agree to terms and conditions, including any limitation of liability, of any third party, on behalf of the client.
6. An office complaints procedure applies to our services. This procedure can be downloaded here: http://localhost:8888/wordpress/dammersadvocaten/uploads/Kantoorklachtenregeling. If a complaint is not solved after being processed through the office complaints procedure, the complaint can be brought to the competent court in accordance with article 8 of these General Terms & Conditions.
7. Dammers Hock Advocaten cooperates for deputizing of practice with Mr. Top of Pot Jonker advocaten in Haarlem.
8. The legal relationship between the client and Dammers Hock Advocaten is governed by Dutch law. Any dispute between the client and Dammers Hock Advocaten shall be resolved exclusively by the competent court in Haarlem, the Netherlands.
9. These General Terms & Conditions have been drawn up in both Dutch and English. Dammers Hock Advocaten is a trade name of mr. R.M. Dammers Praktijkvennootschap B.V. The office is based in Haarlem and is registered in the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce under number 34184824.
Dammers Hock advocaten | Spaarne 115 | 2011CG HAARLEM | info@dammersadvocaten.nl | www.dammersadvocaten.nl |
T +31 23 844 51 91 | BTW nummer: NL 812085796B02